
Testing Unit for Brake Discs

When it comes to complaints about the brake system, the brake disc is often blamed for it.

In order to be able to better check this vague assumption, Zimmermann provides a testing unit.

Run out and disc thickness variation of a brake disc can be checked with the Zimmermann testing unit.

Zimmermann brake discs meet the specifications of the vehicle manufacturer in terms of dimensioning and process tolerances. Process tolerances, in particular with respect to the running characteristics (shape and position tolerances), are often set even smaller than specified by the vehicle manufacturers.

Run out can also be generated by incorrect assembly. If the wheel hub is not metallically bright during assembly or if grease paste was used during assembly, steering wheel flutter and / or a pulsating brake pedal may occur after approx. 1,500 - 5,000 km service life.

With the Zimmermann testing unit for brake discs on-site inspection is immediately possible.
